- S1580201 Multiple micronutrient pdr,sach./PAC-30
A multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) supplement containing 15 essential vitamins and minerals in the base of a carrier. Each sachet weighs 1 gram, supplied in boxes or pouches of 30 sachets. MNPs are designed for point of use fortification of complementary foods for children and vulnerable populations to prevent anaemia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.Indicative Price 0.62 USD - S0557200 Weighing sling,infant,5kg
Weighing sling to be used with infant spring scales: S0145554, S0145555 and S0557000
Indicative Price 3.82 USD - S9908302 Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.3-renewable
The obstetric surgical kit supplementary module 3 renewable contains medical renewable necessary for an average of 100 deliveries.Indicative Price 1,311.54 USD - S2795803 Hackey Sack, Synthetic leather, pac/3
Hackey Sack, Synthetic leather, pac/3
Indicative Price 0.79 USD - S0145620 MUAC,Child 11.5 Red,PAC-50,English
Children's Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) measuring tape with cut-off point at 11.5 cm, pack of 50 tapes with text and pictorial instructions for use printed on the reverse side, reusable, in English language.
Indicative Price 0.78 USD - S2795804 Play Parachute, 3.65 meters, with bag
Play Parachute, 3.65 meters, with carry bag
Indicative Price 7.45 USD - S0791500 Vacuum extractor,Bird,manual,comple.set
Vacuum extractor, Bird (anterior), manual, including two sizes Bird type anterior, two sizes soft cups, and all other required accessories.
Indicative Price 520.10 USD - S0791501 Vacuum extractor,Bird(ant&post),manu,set
Vacuum extractor, Bird (anterior), manual, including two Bird type anterior and one posterior cup, two sizes soft cups and all other required accessories.
Indicative Price 530.66 USD - S5006036 Water tank,onion,collaps,30m3,w/taps
Water tank 30,000 litres, flexible, "Onion Shaped" self supporting open topped with a cover, made from food-grade material suitable for storage and chlorination of potable water.Indicative Price 5,626.04 USD - S2584010 Crayon,wax,jumbo,ass. colours/BOX-8
Wax crayons, jumbo size, smooth and non-toxic in 8 assorted colours;
packed in a boxIndicative Price 0.27 USD