- S4417230 Clock,teaching,wood or plastic
Clock for teaching purposes in wood or plastic with desk-top standIndicative Price 0.87 USD - S0009323 Handpump,VLOM 50-PVC,Variant 1,Norm,30m
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-50, (INDIA MARK III-50 (SKAT) - IM III 50 -
Mark III type), Variant 1 PackageIndicative Price 339.00 USD - S5006036 Water tank,onion,collaps,30m3,w/taps
Water tank 30,000 litres, flexible, "Onion Shaped" self supporting open topped with a cover, made from food-grade material suitable for storage and chlorination of potable water.Indicative Price 5,626.04 USD - S0009301 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII-65,Variant 1 Tele
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III 65 - Mark III type), Variant number 1 Package, with Telescopic Stand and for corrosion resistant installation.Indicative Price 148.20 USD - S0009303 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII-65,Variant 3,Norm
Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III 65 - Mark III type), Variant no. 3 Package, with Normal Stand and Open Top cylinder, for corrosion resistant riser pipes/Rods.
Indicative Price 147.30 USD - S0009322 Handpump,VLOM 50-PVC,RECOMMENDED,30m
Hand pump package, Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-50 uPVC, (India Mark III-50), Recommended General Package, with Telescopic Stand and UPVC riser pipes for UPVC cylinder installation to 30 meters
Indicative Price 340.00 USD - S0009304 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII,Spare Parts
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III - Mark
III type), Variant number 4 packageIndicative Price 9.60 USD