- S0002128 30DTR_Haier HETL-01,Int. Sensor,Refr
The Haier HETL-01, with internal sensor, is an electronic 30-Day Temperature Recorder (30DTR), with factory-programmed alarms and visual display for monitoring storage conditions in vaccine refrigerators (+2°C to +8°C) over a 30-day period. The device shows the actual temperature, all alarm violations over the previous 30 days (on a rolling basis), the daily minimum and maximum temperature of the last 30 days, and the time duration of any violation.
Indicative Price 23.00 USD - S0002129 IFI_Berlinger Freeze-tag
The Berlinger Freeze-tag is an electronic Irreversible Freeze Indicator (IFI) with an internal sensor, factory-programmed alarm and visual display for indicating a freeze event during transport or storage of freeze-sensitive vaccines. The device indicates via a visual alarm when an exposure to temperatures below -0.5°C for longer than 60 minutes has occurred. The device is shipped activated from the manufacturer and once an alarm has been triggered, cannot be re-used.Indicative Price 8.65 USD - S0002134 IFI_Sensitech FreezeAlert
The Sensitech FreezeAlert is an electronic Irreversible Freeze Indicator (IFI) with an internal sensor, factory-programmed alarm, and visual display for indicating a freeze event during transport or storage of freeze-sensitive vaccines. The device indicates via a visual alarm when an exposure to temperatures below -0.5°C for longer than 60 minutes has occurred. The device needs to be activated prior to use and once an alarm has been triggered, cannot be re-used.Indicative Price 3.70 USD - S0002135 30DTR_Berlinger FT2E,Ext. Sensor,Refr
The Berlinger Fridge Tag 2E, with external sensor, is an electronic, 30-Day Temperature Recorder (30DTR), with factory-programmed alarms and visual display for monitoring storage conditions in vaccine refrigerators (+2°C to +8°C) over a 30-day period. The device shows the actual temperature, all alarm violations over the previous 30 days (on a rolling basis), the daily minimum and maximum temperature of the last 30 days, and the time duration of any violationIndicative Price 90.30 USD - S0002136 30DTR_Berlinger FT2E,Int. Sensor,Refr
The Berlinger Fridge Tag 2E, with internal sensor, is an electronic 30-Day Temperature Recorder (30DTR) with factory-programmed alarms and visual display for monitoring storage conditions in vaccine refrigerators (+2°C to +8°C) over a 30-day period. The device shows the actual temperature, all alarm violations over the previous 30 days (on a rolling basis), the daily minimum and maximum temperature of the last 30 days, and the time duration of any violation.
Indicative Price 68.30 USD - S0002143 GeneXpert IV, HIV1 VL cartridge kit/10
Cepheid GeneXpert IV, HIV1 VL cartridge kit of 10 tests.Indicative Price 149.00 USD - S0002145 GeneXpert IV, UPS
Cepheid GeneXpert IV UPS.Indicative Price 790.00 USD - S0002147 GeneXpert HIV1 Qual EID cartridge kit/10
Cepheid GeneXpert HIV1 Qual EID cartridge kit of 10 tests.Indicative Price 149.00 USD - S0002148 Xpert HCV VL Assay/10
Xpert HCV VL Assay/10Indicative Price 149.00 USD